Elderly woman getting her glasses from the freezer

Dementia is a common health concern that affects at least 55 million people worldwide. In fact, it’s estimated that every three seconds, someone in the world develops dementia.

Aging itself can be a challenging process, so you may be wondering how you can distinguish normal aging from signs of dementia. If you do feel that a loved one is developing symptoms more troubling than normal aging, it may be time to consider getting support from home care and in-home services for seniors.

Dementia manifests differently in different people. However, here are some common signs of dementia to look for.

Memory loss
Forgetfulness is a normal part of aging; however, dementia may be present if a person can’t remember how to do everyday things such as household tasks, driving a car or using a phone. A person with dementia may be able to remember things that happened long ago but not events in recent history.

Problems with language and communication
It’s normal to not be able to think of a word or name in conversation, but someone with dementia may have difficulties with finding the words to speak or write. He or she also may ask the same questions repeatedly.

It’s normal to momentarily forget where you’re going or to get lost in an unfamiliar place. However, someone with dementia will get lost in places that they know well, forget where they are or how they got there, and not know how to get back home. Someone who has dementia also may confuse day and night.

Not taking care of oneself
Poor eating habits, not bathing and having poor hygiene may be signs of dementia. People with dementia also may dress inappropriately, such as wearing several layers of clothes on a warm day or few on a cold day.

Misplacing things
Anyone can temporarily misplace an item like a purse or keys. A person with dementia may put things in unusual places, such as the refrigerator or bathtub.

Emotional changes and withdrawal
Sadness is normal for everyone, including seniors. However, watch for extreme mood swings, irritability, withdrawal from other people and normal activities, excessive sleeping and increased lethargy or passivity.

While this is just a short list of dementia warning signs, it’s a starting point for understanding what to look for in order to get proper care. Dementia patients can often continue to live comfortably in their homes if they receive supportive in-home care and help with everyday tasks. If you need home care in the Atlanta area, Kadan Homecare would be honored to match you with a caregiver who thoroughly understands how to properly provide in-home elder care for seniors coping with dementia.