Stress Less for Better Health

It goes without saying that the past few months have been incredibly stressful for nearly everyone. Social distancing, worrying about COVID-19, being apart from loved ones, job and income insecurity, relatives or friends becoming sick, and many other pandemic related concerns combined with routine responsibilities and other stressors would definitely be classified as “chronic stress,” and most of us are suffering.

How Stress Affects Overall Health

Our bodies aren’t designed to deal with chronic stress, so its effects on our health can be serious. This is especially true for seniors, who often have existing conditions and struggles that are exacerbated by stress.

Common effects of stress on our health include:

– Anxiety
– Headache
– Over or undereating
– Muscle pain or tension
– Social withdrawal
– Feeling overwhelmed
– Fatigue
– Chest pain
– Depression
– Sleep problems
– Gastrointestinal issues
– Feeling overwhelmed

The impact of stress increases substantially for seniors. Specifically, stress can cause the following in seniors:

– Memory problems. Stress forces our brains to act differently than when things are “normal.” As a result, chronic stress can cause short-term memory problems, especially in seniors. These memory problems are unrelated to Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Lowered immune response. There are a host of risks associated with lowered immune response. In today’s reality, immune system health is especially important when we consider the risks (especially the heightened risks of COVID-19 for seniors) surrounding the coronavirus. A lowered immune response can also inflame other pre-existing conditions, worsening symptoms and suffering.
Heart issues. Stress floods your body with adrenaline, which can raise blood pressure and heart rate. Stress can also cause seniors to seek poor ways to deal with its effects, like smoking, alcohol and poor eating. Each of these behaviors has an additional negative impact on health, further exacerbating issues.
Chronic digestive issues. When faced with chronic stress, the nervous system can send the digestive system into a haywire state, which can lead to many different digestive problems and increase the likelihood of chronic issues such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

How to Help Relieve the Burden of Stress

There are some simple ways to reduce the burden of stress on your senior loved ones, and these tips can also help you reduce your own stress levels to improve health and happiness:

Get outside. Depending on the physical abilities of your senior loved ones, this may literally mean pulling up a chair and sitting outside with a book or headphones. And that’s okay! Some sunshine and blue skies (or sitting under a covering during a nice summer rainstorm) can work wonders on mental health. Seniors who are feeling cooped up and lonely during quarantine can also enjoy seeing neighbors and feeling less confined.
Get moving. The ability to exercise may vary based on the health challenges of your loved ones, but walking, stretching and other physical activity can help reduce the effects of stress (plus, exercise has a whole host of benefits!). Even a short walk around the block can have a positive impact!
Engage company. FaceTime and Zoom calls are great, but if distance isn’t an issue, consider a safe visit following recommended guidelines. Sitting out on a porch while safely distanced or wearing masks can alleviate feelings of loneliness and social isolation, which can significantly impact stress levels. You can also combine some of these suggestions, going on a socially distanced walk with a loved one (perhaps one in the street and one on the sidewalk, or both wearing masks) to spend time together while maximizing the health benefits.
Be mindful. Apps like Headspace and Calm offer free meditations to help people de-stress and relax — if your senior loved one has a smartphone, help him or her load one or both of these apps to their device. Meditation has been shown to dramatically impact mental and even physical health.
Talk to a doctor. There is a difference between “the blues” and serious depression, which is increasingly common in seniors. If you are worried that your senior loved one is suffering from depression, be sure to call his or her doctor. The doctor may recommend medication or therapy to further assist with challenges.

Our trained and compassionate home health care professionals can help your senior with a host of daily activities and medical needs. They can provide company and comfort to help your senior loved ones (and you!) get through this challenging time. To learn more, contact us at 770-396-8997 or

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