April is Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month

American Parkinson Disease Association This month is Parkinson’s disease Awareness Month and the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) is launching a new “red button” campaign to shine a light on how simple tasks, like buttoning a shirt, become increasingly difficult for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD).

What if one day you woke up and weren’t able to pour a cup of coffee or write a check? More than a million Americans live with Parkinson’s disease – a neurological disorder impacting movement. The disease, usually diagnosed after the age of 50, is progressive and chronic. There is currently no treatment or cure. Symptoms of the disease are varied, but may include:

  • tremor
  • slowness of movements
  • limb stiffness
  • difficulties with balance

According to the APDA, there is a new diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease every 9 minutes, which means that 5,000 people will be diagnosed this month alone.

To learn more about Parkinson’s disease, go to www.apdaparkinson.org. There, you will find interactive ways to share success stories, learn ways to best live with a Parkinson’s diagnosis, receive encouragement from others with the disease and their caregivers, make a donation to fund research and more.
In Georgia, there are ways that you can get involved and find resources locally:

With more than 30 years in business, Kadan has cared for a large number of Parkinson’s disease patients. If you or a loved one is considering in-home care, please call us for a complimentary consultation at 770-396-8997.

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