Amazing August Activities for Seniors

August CalendarIt’s the last full month of summer and we’ve compiled a list of activities happening in August. These can be senior-specific or may be enjoyed by the whole family.

Berry Month – Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, oh my! Maybe a literal “field” trip is in order to pick your own berries. Or, pick up some fresh berries at the store and get into the kitchen to make desserts, smoothies, jams or ice cream. Seniors can also share their favorite berry recipes.

American Artist Appreciation Month – Head to the closest art museum to take in the works of famous American artists such as Grandma Moses, Georgia O’Keefe, Ansel Adams, Jackson Pollack, Andrew Wyeth or Norman Rockwell. You might also look for an art appreciation talk at a local senior or community center. Another option is creating your own art in the style of your favorite artist.

National Parks Month – Commemorate our national parks by visiting one of the many we have right here in Georgia like the Chattahoochee River and Kennesaw Mountain. Or, consider a virtual tour by going online and looking at pictures of some of our nations most beautiful places. For access to the national parks website and for a listing of parks in Georgia, go to

National Apple Month – We know the power that an apple a day is said to have, so let’s celebrate apples all month long. Did you know that there are more than 2,500 varieties of apples in the U.S.? (More than 7,500 worldwide!) Many orchards start their picking season this month. Click here for a list of the best apple picking around Atlanta. Gather your apples and find some simple apple craft ideas or make some easy apple recipes.

National Napping Month – That’s right – a month devoted to napping! So, let’s celebrate. Taking a 20-30 minute nap during the middle of the day may help you re-charge and not need as much caffeine. Napping may also reduce accidents and falls.

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